Estaryia’s Sound Wave Healing sessions re-calibrate the brain and nervous system, stimulate energy flow and create coherence throughout the body allowing deep healing on all levels.

Effectively Helps Neurological Issues:

Concussions – Arthritis – Pain – Bells Palsey – Stroke, Neuropathy
Sports Injuries (All Types of New or Old Injuries) – Headaches -Migraines – Anxiety – Surgery Recovery – Sinuses – Ulcers

Energy, Vitality & Emotional Balance
Brain Cognition – Relaxation & Rejuvenation
Mental Clarity & Focus – Peak Performance
Circulation & Muscle Recovery – Sleep and more

Estaryia’s Sound Wave Healing™ sessions re-calibrate the brain and nervous system, stimulate energy flow and create coherence throughout the body allowing deep healing on all levels.

Effectively Helps Neurological Issues:

Concussions – Arthritis – Pain – Bells Palsey – Stroke, Neuropathy
Sports Injuries (All Types of New or Old Injuries) – Headaches -Migraines – Anxiety – Surgery Recovery – Sinuses – Ulcers

Energy, Vitality & Emotional Balance
Brain Cognition – Relaxation & Rejuvenation
Mental Clarity & Focus – Peak Performance
Circulation & Muscle Recovery – Sleep and more

Estaryia Venus is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of the science of sound, vibration, frequency and the healing connection.


Sound Wave Healing

Join Estaryia live for healing sessions and retreats. Boost your energy and mental clarity, heal and rejuvenate at the deepest levels.

Healing Sound Music

Estaryia is a recording & performance artist, lighting your path to a brighter future with healing sound music.

On-line Events

Estaryia will guide you into a deep healing where you will experience energy shifts and blocks being released.

See what others are saying about Estaryia…

“Having had the opportunity to experience an extraordinary sound-healing session with Estaryia Venus, I highly recommend her sound therapy for a variety of disorders, ranging from stress, pain, tinnitus, and other disorders of the body and nervous system.”

John L. Turner, MD, Neurological Surgery

Concussion Healed

Back Pain Gone

Life Changing

Meet Estaryia 

Estaryia Venus is an internationally recognized expert in sound vibrational wellness. She pioneered a therapeutic application of sound and has shared her passion and mastery for more than 25 years, in over 20 countries, achieving consistent and tangible results eliminating stress, healing old injuries, increasing cellular energy and harmonizing mind and body, accelerating health and longevity. Thousands have benefitted from the power of Estaryia’s scientifically proven healing and rejuvenating experiences.

Vibrational ReGenesis

Estaryia uses her scientifically designed processes and techniques to recalibrate the vibrations of your body, your mind, your whole being. It will birth a new vibrational you that is revitalized, and ready to live life fully.

Science has shown that we are made of vibrating atoms and that our cells, tissues, and organs are in a constant state of vibration.  Tuning these cellular vibrations is essential for our overall health and wellbeing.

The techniques birth a new vibrational essence by using precise frequencies to retune your mind and body.

This process activates your cellular consciousness and unleashes the extraordinary power of your own DNA. The higher frequencies reactivate stored codes of information inside the DNA nucleus to create a higher vibrational bandwidth of energy.

The Vibrational ReGenesis™ experience effects your cellular vibration and resonance by awakening cellular information and installing new frequencies.  It clears out old limiting subconscious beliefs and vibrations and cleanses and refreshes your cells so they can receive and imprint a vibrational pattern that will support a new and healthier you.

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In a matter of minutes…this sound frequency audio will:

Calm your nerves | Reduce Stress | Strengthen Your Immunity

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Calm Your Nervous System - Enhance Your Immunity

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