Thanksgiving is coming…We have a once a year celebration to gather with family and friends to be grateful and give thanks. The true meaning and purpose of holidays can sometimes get lost in the details of organizing life around them.

Let Thanksgiving be a check-in point to ask yourself, have you been giving thanks everyday? Do you wake up and give thanks before you start each day? Gratitude to the higher power for your life, and connection with all life?
Do you acknowledge and thank this living Earth each day for all her life sustaining elements and energy? How about the Sun? Do you greet the Sun each day in thanks? Are you thankful for all life you’re relating with?

Thanksgiving is not the one day a year to be grateful. It’s a reminder of it’s importance and an opportunity to gather with loved ones, share precious moments and express heart felt appreciation, gratitude and thanks.

Expression is key. Thinking it and feeling it is not enough. Let this new year be one of living and expressing gratitude to all your relations.

Take time with yourself to feel grateful for all things in your life, and give yourself some love and appreciation. Journal all the things in your life you are grateful for. Go outside and express your gratitude for Earth, for the creator, for the gift of life.

Let Thanksgiving be a reminder to be thankful every day and to express gratitude to every person that comes into your life each day

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